lauantai 24. maaliskuuta 2018

Bizarre birds - spoken word in English

I want to fall in love
and out of it, immediately
keenly fight the scenery with my heaving, leaning inquiry
slippery floor under my thigs evenly, high skies over the eyes of the wise
I want to fall ill and found a rattling, aching mill and keep twitching my fingers until they will
lose their meaning and lose the thrill
of playing and saying and laying still

I want to become the one I've never been
the one who has seen without being seen
the one who HAS the sea and all of its means
(the waves and the brave haze and the bizarre birds with all whom they amaze)
days after days, unfolded by the bold ways of the rays of the sun and its mates
I want to be
the one who has to be

And again I realise how I disguise everything from my own eyes
how I cry and hide from my own mighty mind
and want to be more than I can ever reach
and less than the beaming beats of my own, childish needs
(who linger in the deeps of my hot, stupid cheeks)

I want to be fully independent: render, but not to be affected by the tender
(they're better at breaking than any kind of bender)
I want to enter the world of an endless surrender where everyone accepts they're not bigger than their heads
I want to let the weaving, gleaming, mature nature get us pushed against our barriers and hushed us silent until we stop weeping, until we start feeling
all the things we haven't felt due the pity that has melt inside our brain and all the things we want to gain before it's too late
we're still here
and we're never independent, dear
but hear
hear how the birds keep shouting
there's something warm inside there
mounting the ladders to everywhere

Let's go climbing.

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